Incident Report Web Form Template

Allow employees to report job incidents on your website

How To Use The Incident Report Web Form Template?

What does this web form do?

This form features a comprehensive template that a company can use to gather critical information about workplace incidents. This form begins by asking employees for basic information about their name and the name of the person who was injured. It collects details about the location in which the injury took place in the workplace, the location of the injury on the person’s body, and other critical details for workplace safety and compliance.

Why is this form important?

This form can help safety compliance officers maintain a comprehensive record of all workplace incidents and injuries. You may find higher reporting rates because of the ease of completion with this Incident Report web form. Instead of maintaining information in multiple locations, you will find that keeping a single database of incidents much more convenient.

Where to use this form?

You can embed this form on your website, probably in a password-protected, employee-only area of your site or HR intranet.

How to use the results of this form?

Each time the form is completed, the safety officers can review the report. They can also download a history of all reports and analyze them for similarities, looking for ways to improve workplace safety conditions.

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