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Multiple Choice Questions: Top Strategies, Types, & Examples

From picking a vacation spot to deciding on your favorite ice cream flavor, making choices can be tough. But there’s one thing that can simplify even the most complex decisions: a clear list of options! Well, that’s what multiple-choice questions are all about – they present you with a range of possibilities, making it easier to identify the best fit for you.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) simplify decision-making by offering a set of clear options. A well-framed multiple-choice question survey follows a structured format, presenting respondents with clear and concise answer choices.

This format ensures consistency in the response collection process, making it easier to analyze and interpret the data.

In this blog, we will explore various MCQ types and examples in detail to help you create engaging questions for your audiences.

Let’s go!

What are Multiple Choice Questions?

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are a type of assessment item or survey question that presents respondents with several answer options, out of which they must select the one correct answer or, in some formats, multiple correct answers.

MCQs are widely used in educational testing, surveys, and quizzes because they are straightforward to administer and score, making them efficient for both large and small groups. 

They can assess a wide range of knowledge, from basic recall of facts to application, analysis, and evaluation of information.

An example of a popular MCQ question is:

Which of the following aspects of our product/service did you find most impressive?

  1. A) Speed and Efficiency
  2. B) User-Friendly Interface
  3. C) Quality and Reliability
  4. D) Customer Support
  5. E) Pricing and Value for Money

A multiple-choice question and answer consists of several important parts:

  • Stem: The stem refers to the main question or statement. The stem should be clear, straightforward, and written in simple language.
  • Distractors: Distractors are incorrect options that are used to distract and challenge the respondent. You must carefully pick the distractors so as not to seem too obvious.
  • Answer: This is the correct answer to the stem or question. There may be more than one correct answer in some cases, and the respondent is allowed to make multiple selections.

How to Write a Multiple-Choice Question?

Creating an effective multiple-choice question (MCQ) involves careful planning and construction to ensure it accurately assesses knowledge, comprehension, or application skills. Here’s a detailed guide on how to craft a multiple-choice question:

1. Define the Objective

Start by determining what the question is intended to assess. Is it factual knowledge, conceptual understanding, application of skills, or analysis and evaluation? Clearly defining the objective will guide the development of both the stem and the distractors.

2. Write the Stem

The stem is the part of the MCQ that poses the question or problem. It should be clearly written, focused, and free of unnecessary information. Ensure the stem presents a single, clear problem or question that can be understood without reading the options first.

  • Direct Question: Pose a direct question that requires an answer.
  • Incomplete Statement: Present a statement that the respondent must complete with the correct option.
  • Scenario-based: Provide a scenario or case study that leads to a question, testing application, and analysis skills.

3. Develop the Options

  • Key: This is the correct answer to the question. It should be indisputably correct and fully supported by the content being tested.
  • Distractors: These are the incorrect answers. Good distractors are plausible, based on common misconceptions, errors, or closely related concepts, making the question challenging but fair.

4. Maintain Option Consistency

  • Length and Form: All options should be similar in length and complexity. An outlier can often be mistakenly identified as the correct answer.
  • Content: Options should be homogeneous in content type (all dates, all theories, etc.) to avoid clues to the correct answer.
  • Grammar: Ensure that grammatically, all options fit seamlessly with the stem.

5. Avoid Common Pitfalls

  • Avoid Absolutes: Words like “always” or “never” can make distractors obviously wrong.
  • Randomize Option Order: The position of the correct answer should vary from question to question.
  • Use “All of the Above” and “None of the Above” Sparingly: These can sometimes give away the answer or invalidate the question if not used carefully.

6. Review and Revise

After drafting, review the question to ensure it meets the objective, is clear and unambiguous, and that the distractors are plausible but not too similar to the correct answer. Pilot testing with a small group can help identify issues before the MCQ is used more widely.

7. Consider Higher-Order Thinking

Whenever possible, design MCQs that test higher-order thinking skills rather than mere recall of facts. Questions that require analysis, synthesis, and evaluation to arrive at the answer are more challenging and provide a better assessment of the respondent’s understanding and ability to apply knowledge.

12 Types of Multiple-Choice Questions

If you thought that a multiple-choice question only includes a typical question with four options, you might be wrong. You will be surprised to know that at least 12 different types of MCQs can be used for different purposes. Let’s explore them right away.


1. Yes or No


This is a widely used multiple-choice question that offers two obvious options – “Yes” or “No”. It can be used to ask a direct question such as ‘Would you recommend our business to your friends or family members?’ or ‘Does our product serve your purpose?’.

One demerit of this question is that although you can capture feedback, you will not know the reason behind why someone gave a “no” or a “yes” as an answer. Therefore, to make sense of your data, you also need to add an open-ended question.

2. True or False

The “True” or “False” questions are some of the most commonly used multiple-choice questions. It includes the stem (question or statement) and two answer options – True and False. These questions are used to test critical thinking and evaluate the respondent’s knowledge by challenging them to choose the correct option.

If you wish to engage your audience in a challenging game or teach them something new, this is the way to go.

3. Odd One Out

The “odd one out” question provides several options to respondents and asks them to choose an option that does not match the others or seems the most “odd.”

Such questions are used to test people’s ability to form relationships between ideas. The odd one out question is quite popular among school students. Let’s look at the example below to gain more clarity.

4. Image-Based Multiple Choice Question

As the name suggests, this type of MCQ presents two or more images as response options. To answer this question, the respondent can select a single image or multiple images if it is specified. Image-based questionnaires are visually appealing, highly interactive, and can be used to engage your target audience.

These questions are used where visual representation is needed. For example, Google offers a service called ReCAPTCHA that uses smart image-based questions to identify humans and prevent bots from causing security threats.

5. Best Answer

This type of question can be quite challenging for people to answer. But why? Well, in most cases, the options include more than one answer that might seem correct at first glance. However, the correct answer is the one that is the truest.

The “best answer” question can be used to understand what people think or perceive about different situations. Let’s understand this better with this multiple-choice question example:

6. Single-Select Multiple-Choice Questions

This is a common type of multiple-choice question where the respondent is allowed to select a single option from a list of options. The dropdown menu is a great example of a single select question.

Single-select questions work best when presenting a long list of options. Whether someone is on their smartphone or laptop, the respondents can easily scroll through the options and select the right answer.

7. Multiple Select Questions

Unlike single-select questions, the respondent can select more than one option in multiple select questions. While taking orders, such questionnaires are often used by restaurants as the customers can easily customize their meals.

In some cases, these questions also offer the “Select All” or “All of the Above” option so that respondents can easily select this option without having to pick and choose specific options. Multiple select questions offer more freedom and flexibility to respondents compared to other types of MCQ questions.

8. Star Rating Multiple Choice Question

Star rating is another popular multiple-choice question type that allows respondents to answer on a rating scale. Respondents are usually offered a 1-5 or 1-7 rating scale, where 5 or 7 stars denote the highest satisfaction. Such questions are quite interactive, easy to answer and work great on mobile devices.

These types of questions are usually used by businesses to get customer reviews on their products or services. For example, you must have received a survey asking you to rate your cab ride experience once you reached your destination. Instead of stars, you can even use other types of rating scales such as “Thumbs up” or “Smileys”.

9. Matrix Table Multiple Choice Question

A matrix table question allows you to ask multiple questions or multiple parts of a single question. For example, you can take feedback about the various elements of your website – design, user interface, image quality, browsing experience, product descriptions, payment options, etc.

The multiple questions or elements are accompanied by a three-point or five-point Likert scale. However, if not executed correctly, matrix table questions can confuse your respondents. Here is a sample multiple-choice question with answer options:


10. Slider Multiple Choice Question

This is another type of multiple-choice question in which the respondent can use a slider to answer the given question. The slider can be adjusted to a numeric value that best describes their answer.

For example, you can share the classic NPS question: “How likely are you to recommend our brand to your friends or colleagues?” The customers can adjust the slider and rate their answers on a scale of 1-10. For a better understanding, you can look at this multiple-choice example below:

11. Ranking Multiple Choice Question

A ranking multiple choice question allows respondents to rank the answer options based on their importance or priority. The respondent can first compare all the options against each other and then rank them accordingly.

To make this question work, you will have to present a numerical drop-down box for each answer option. This will help the respondent allocate the correct numerical value to each option. Such questions can be helpful when you wish to know a person’s opinion or perception about particular topics.

12. Drag & Drop Question

In these types of multiple-choice questions, the respondent can drag and drop the answer options to arrange them in the most suitable order. This is quite similar to a ranking question; however, the respondent can simply drag and drop options to achieve the best order instead of assigning a numerical value.

The drag-and-drop questions are quite interactive in nature and can lead to a fun survey experience for your customers. Educators can also use them to teach young kids. Let’s take a look at this example below:

Watch: How to Collect Customer Feedback

Advantages of Using Multiple-Choice Questions

Well, it will not be wrong to say that a multiple-choice questionnaire means multiple benefits. Let’s explore some of the top advantages of MCQs.

1. Convenient

Imagine you ordered food online and received it well on time. Now, the app asks you to rate the delivery partner on a scale of 1-5. By spending just a couple of seconds, you can rate the delivery partner and appreciate them for a job well done. Yes, MCQs are really that convenient!

Whether you are taking an application form or sharing feedback with your favorite brand, you can fill MCQs anytime and from anywhere. As long as there are fewer questions to answer, it will not take a toll on your brain or body.

2. Gathers Objective Data

There are situations when you don’t need the subjective opinions of your respondents. For example, if you wish to know the most popular election candidate, you can simply present the names of the people who are contesting. Taking subjective opinions about the importance of elections or democracy will not serve any purpose here.

With multiple-choice questions, you can get objective data that is both observable as well as measurable. This helps you achieve your research goals faster.

3. Takes Less Time to Complete

Multiple-choice questionnaires take less time to complete in comparison to open-ended questions. For instance, if students are asked to write an essay for a test instead of answering MCQs, they will take more time.

Similarly, a business can share short MCQ surveys with customers and allow them to complete them at their convenience. When customers know that such questions will take less time to complete, the business can enjoy higher survey response rates.

4. Makes Data Analysis Simpler

With multiple-choice questions, you can easily automate your data analysis process. For example, in the case of student tests, automated grading can help teachers evaluate tests and grade students on a larger scale. Even if a thousand students are given the same test, grading can be easily done.

Moreover, when people are made to type their answers, there can be grammatical or typographical errors. However, you can reduce human errors and make data analysis easier when you provide selected response options.

How to Use Multiple Choice Questions in Your Survey

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are a versatile and effective tool for gathering data in surveys. They provide structured response options that make it easy for respondents to provide feedback, opinions, or information. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use multiple choice questions effectively in your survey:

  • Define Your Objectives: Before designing your survey, clearly define the objectives and what information you aim to collect. Determine the specific topics or areas you want to cover with multiple choice questions.
  • Choose the Right Type of MCQs: Consider the nature of your survey and the type of data you want to collect when selecting the appropriate types of multiple choice questions. Decide whether single-select, multi-select, rating scales or other formats best suit your needs.
  • Keep It Clear and Concise: Ensure that each multiple choice question is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid ambiguity to prevent confusion among respondents.
  • Limit the Number of Options: Provide a reasonable number of response options to prevent respondent fatigue and ensure accurate data collection. Too many options can overwhelm respondents and lead to lower response rates or incorrect selections.
  • Include an “Other” Option: If applicable, include an “Other” option to allow respondents to provide additional answers or specify options not listed. This ensures inclusivity and captures diverse responses.
  • Randomize Response Options: To minimize order bias, consider randomizing the order of response options for each multiple choice question. This prevents the first or last option from receiving disproportionate selections.
  • Use Logical Ordering: Arrange response options in a logical order, such as alphabetical or chronological, to facilitate easy navigation for respondents. This enhances the survey experience and reduces cognitive load.
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Include clear instructions at the beginning of the survey and before each multiple choice question to guide respondents on how to answer. Clarify whether they should select one or multiple options and any specific criteria for response selection.
  • Pilot Test Your Survey: Before distributing your survey, pilot test it with a small group of participants to identify any ambiguities, errors, or issues with the multiple choice questions. Revise and refine as needed based on feedback.
  • Balance Closed and Open-ended Questions: While multiple choice questions offer structured response options, balance them with open-ended questions to capture nuanced responses and qualitative insights. This combination provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Add Visual Enhancements: Incorporate visual elements such as images, icons, or color-coded scales in your surveys to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of multiple choice questions. Visual stimuli can improve comprehension and response accuracy.
  • Segment Questions Appropriately: Group multiple choice questions logically and segment them into sections or categories based on themes or topics. This organization helps respondents navigate the survey more efficiently and maintains their interest.
  • Monitor Response Quality: Regularly monitor response quality and data integrity throughout the survey administration process. Implement quality checks and validation measures to identify and address any anomalies or inconsistencies.
  • Respect Respondent Privacy and Anonymity: Ensure confidentiality and anonymity in survey responses whenever possible to encourage honest and candid feedback. Clearly communicate how respondent data will be used and protected to build trust and confidence.
  • Analyze and Interpret Results: After collecting survey responses, analyze the data from multiple choice questions systematically. Use statistical methods, charts, and graphs to interpret the results and draw meaningful conclusions.

How to Create a Survey With Multiple Choice Questions Using ProProfs Survey Maker

It is really easy to create a multiple choice question survey using ProProfs Survey Maker. Depending on your requirements, you can create the survey from scratch or select one from our wide range of templates categorized under Customer, Employee, Education, Market Research, Event, and Course Feedback.

Step 1: On your ProProfs Survey Maker Dashboard, click + Create a Survey.

Step 2: Click Create Survey.

Step 3: Click on the + Create from Scratch button to get started. You can also choose to click on the Create button, as shown in the bottom left corner of the screenshot.

Step 4: You’ll arrive in the editor, where you can add several elements to your survey, like questions, themes, branding, logo, and so on. Start by giving a name to your survey by clicking Untitled Survey.

Step 5: Give a title to your survey in the sa text box. You can add a description and image as well. Once you’re done, click Save to go back to the editor.

Step 6: Back in the editor, click More >> Popular Settings, where you can choose the number of questions per page in a survey. You can also select the order of questions and answers that you want to display to each respondent.

Step 6.1: Apply a theme to your survey by clicking the Popular Themes dropdown setting. Customize the theme further by applying your company logo, background image, colors, and more by clicking the Customize your theme option.

Step 7: Go to “Add Question” and select “Multiple Choice” as your question type. Edit the questions and options to place your questions and options. You can also click “Generate with ProProfs AI” to get a readymade questionnaire in seconds!

Step 7: Click “Preview” to see how the survey will appear to the viewer. Once you’ve created the survey and are happy with the way it looks, click “Done.” Congratulations, your survey is ready to use!

Create the Best Multiple-Choice Questions for Your Surveys

Due to their versatile nature, multiple-choice questions have gained popularity in education, market research, customer feedback, product development, and many others.

To create the best multiple-choice questionnaire, you need to provide accurate and relevant answer options, keep the language simple, and add the “others” option whenever possible. With well-framed MCQs, you can collect comprehensive data and research your target audience faster.

With ProProfs Survey Maker, you can go for multiple-choice or 20 other question types such as rating scale, NPS scale, text box, etc. You can also choose from our library of 1000,000+ ready-to-use questions or simply create one from scratch. Customize the various elements of your question, add branching to answers, and share your questionnaire via email, social media, or by embedding it on your website.

Yes, collecting the right information is really that simple now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the parts of a multiple-choice question?

Multiple-choice questions typically consist of a stem, which is the main question or statement, along with options, one of which is the correct answer, and distractors, which are incorrect options meant to confuse respondents.

When should I use multiple choice questions in my survey?

Multiple-choice questions are best used when there are clear, distinct answer options and can be effective for assessing knowledge, opinions, preferences, or demographics. They are particularly suitable for large-scale surveys to streamline analysis.

What are some of the tips for writing multiple-choice questions?

When writing multiple-choice questions, keep them clear, concise, and free from ambiguity. Ensure that all options provided are plausible and mutually exclusive, avoiding double negatives or overly complex language. Consistent formatting and grammar throughout the questions are crucial, and randomizing answer orders can help mitigate order bias among respondents.

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About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.