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Improve Work Environment Using Employee Feedback


We spend a lot of time at our workplace, hence, working in a place that provides a cordial atmosphere is something we all desire. Today, professionals are attracted not only towards big salaries, medical insurances, job titles, or team building but also in the environment the company provides. A poor work environment could bring adverse results like low employee morale, high attrition and bad social media feedback, which will reduce the number of people applying for jobs at those companies.  

Many companies today pay attention to the work environment they present to their employees. Companies like Google and Facebook are so visible and they realize that the environment employees work in is critical for their well-being, productivity, and innovation.

It Is Not Just the Money

You might speculate that global companies like these have ample money that can be invested in rendering the best work environment, but there are a plethora of things that can be arranged with a humbler budget. There are many small companies that take this sincerely and they have a satisfied workforce that will stay longer with the company and will perform better. Glassdoor conducts an annual survey named “Best Small & Medium Companies to Work For”, in which it nominates little known small companies in the US. So, even small businesses can improve their work environment if they care enough about their employees because it is all a matter of choice.

Let Us Understand What Incorporates Work Environment

Work environment not only encompasses your structural surroundings but also the people and the ambiance around you. Yes, that enigmatic word ‘ambiance’ can be very subjective, but we relate to it as the mood that we feel while at work. Your capacity to focus and stay effective, lively and productive depends on how comfortable you feel in your workspace. How to Use Employee Feedback to Create a Perfectly Suitable Work Environment

How to Use Employee Feedback to Create a Perfectly Suitable Work Environment

While there are various determinants for employee experience, building a physical work environment that envelops your organization’s character will help represent your culture. Involving your employees in making these choices will help you to design a workspace that your employees desire coming to.

  • Re-Design Your Workplace with the Old Core

According to a work environment survey by Capital One, around 85% of employees think that flexible workspace design is important. Recognize your culture, your work values on which you based your business and ask your employees what would aid them in living out these values in the workplace. Using employee feedback is crucial here as it will help you understand what their requirement is. It will help you understand the small changes, which are required to keep your employees happy.

  • Acknowledge Everyone for Their Engagement

This is an activity where you request your employees to say what they like or dislike about their workplace. They must be asked to be open and straightforward. Not everyone is amenable to answer those questions, but those who really take the time to provide the feedback should get at least a thank you note and the guarantee that they will not be targeted for any negative comment they make. 

  • Group the Related Issues Raised

Determine how many employees asked for a specific thing and then decide if that suggestion needs to be given attention or not. Should it be executed instantly or can it wait? In other words, ‘List and Prioritize’. It is important here to prioritize things properly and will depend entirely upon your judgment.

  • Formulate A Clear Action Plan and Show It to Senior Management

Your action plan could be in a report form and should include strategies to act on each request, timelines, and areas where leadership engagement is needed.

  • Communicate the Results to All Employees

Once the leadership allows the action plan, be as lucid as possible with the results and make sure that your employees know that their feedback is being acted upon.

Ways to Gather Feedback

There are several ways to gather feedback, but first, it is imperative to make sure that this activity involves the entire company, right from your part-time employees to the CEO. Collecting feedback can go from something very simple to something complex, depending on the company exact requirements.

Outsource the Activity: You can take help of dedicated firms which offer professional feedback forms and also manage the feedback. After the activity, they will send the results to you based on what you need to see as well as provide relevant reports, charts, and list of raging issues raised.

Use Online Survey Tools: Another way is to find a web-based or a mobile app tool to perform your feedback surveys. There are several websites that offer dedicated employee survey templates, which can be utilized for gathering feedback. Another method can be to use a survey software or a survey maker which can help organizations to create a surveys specific to their requirements.

To sum it up, employee feedback is a very important tool to learn what employees at your company feel about the work environment and culture. By efficiently using employee feedback data, you can understand if there are areas where you could improve the work environment so that you can retain your current employees and continue to bring in new ones.

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About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.