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What Is Survey Software? Types & Benefits of a Survey Tool

What Is Survey Software? Types & Benefits of a Survey Tool

No matter if you run a million-dollar business or are an employee, the chances are that you have come across a survey at some point in your life. Be it rating your overall experience of staying at a 5-star hotel in Vegas or simply rating your Uber driver, we have all been there and done that!

For most business owners, surveys have helped to quench their thirst for customer feedback.

If 20th-century entrepreneurs were told that they could create a small set of questions, share them in a matter of minutes, and get the opportunity to reflect on their year’s worth of hard work; they would start believing in miracles.

However, on the other side of the spectrum, for the average Joe, the world stops when a YouTube ad shows up, and he can’t wait to press the skip button. Tick! Tick! Tick! Those 5 seconds seem like 5 hours. In reality, in a surprisingly similar fashion, most surveys get ignored and you can’t blame yourself for this, can you? Food for thought!

This is exactly where an online survey software comes in the picture and helps you step up your game. This blog tells you the various benefits of survey software and teaches you how to create your own survey in 3 easy steps.

Watch: How to Create Online Surveys Easily

Let’s get the ball rolling!

Online Survey Software- A Magic Tool?

A survey tool is a software application that allows you to collect feedback from a sample audience. A top survey software lets you design, create, and share surveys almost instantly.

With every new survey that you share, your business becomes more feedback-driven and a step closer to understanding user pain points.

We know that surveying thousands of customers manually can seem like a near-impossible task. However, customer survey software is designed to make the entire process quicker, highly accurate, and a lot easier to attain. All such amazing features make this tool nothing short of magic.

There are different types of surveys through which you can get feedback from your target audience.

Types of Surveys:

1. Customer Satisfaction Survey

This survey tries to gauge customer satisfaction with your products and services.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

2. Exit Survey

Exit survey is sent out when an employee leaves an organization. It gives their perspectives on the company: What are their learning, and where can the company improve.

Exit Survey

3. NPS Survey

An NPS or Net Promoter Score Survey measures the customer sentiment on a level scale of 0-10. A score between 0-6 shows that your customer is a detractor, i.e., they are not happy with your products. A passive customer gives a rating between 7-8 and is neither happy nor unhappy with your products. A score between 9-10 suggests that your customer is a promoter of your product, i.e., happy with your products or services.

NPS Survey

4. Job Satisfaction Survey

This survey checks your employees’ satisfaction with their job profile.

Job Satisfaction Survey

5. Market Research Survey

A market research survey analyzes the target audience segment of your products and services.

Market Research Survey

Now, let us have a detailed look at the benefits of using survey software.

Survey Software Benefits That You Can’t Afford to Miss

Watch: How to Choose the Best Survey Software

1. Surveying Made Simple

“The genius is in making the complex simple.”- Albert Einstein

Surveying Made Simple

You don’t have to call every single customer or wait for them to pay you a visit to capture their opinion about your business. That approach is so old school. An online survey tool can help you create and share surveys in a matter of minutes. The best part is that all answers are stored electronically and can be accessed at any point in time. If your business has ever tried noting customer opinion on paper, you would love and admire how simple, convenient, and quick it really is to use an online survey maker.

2. Data That Never Falls Short

“Without data, you are just another person with an opinion.”Edwards Deming

Data That Never Falls Short

When most entrepreneurs go on a quest to collect data related to customer satisfaction or performance analysis, patience takes a back seat. Rightly so, as your customer-related research should not take long weeks or months. If you are looking to collect insightful data to improve business processes, then survey tools for research can help. Surveys empower you to collect data quickly and reliably, permitting you to address the right bottleneck situations at the right time.

3. Does Not Cost You a Fortune

“The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and keep it in your pocket.” – Kim Hubbard

Surveys are perhaps, the most economical method of collecting relevant data. Many free online survey tools in the market can get you started and cost next to nothing. If you have a bigger audience in mind, you can start by opting for a monthly or yearly subscription plan. In most cases, a monthly subscription plan can be as low as $20/month. Most SaaS companies will have a range of plans starting from basic to premium. You can reflect on your requirements, audience size, and needs and then opt for a plan that best falls in sync with your interests.

4. Decide Your Audience

“A good decision made quickly is far better than a great decision made slowly”– Edward Relf

Unlike public polls, where everyone wants to shower their opinion, online survey platforms allow you to choose who gets to participate. In simpler terms: you are in 100% control. If you wish to study the consumer behavior of young shoppers, you can simply float a survey to customers below the age of 40 years. Similarly, your employee performance surveys can be easily shared with the respective supervisors or managers. Segregating your audience will help you improve response rates and capture ideal information.

Create Breathtaking Surveys in Just 3 Simple Steps!

Watch: How to Create Online Surveys Easily

How Do Online Survey Software Work?

1. Set Survey Goals and Objectives

Before you start designing your survey, understand the basic purpose of your survey. What do you intend to use the survey results for? Are you looking for specific areas to improve your customer support or are you planning to collect feedback for a new feature? Be crystal clear with the goals and be focussed. Just focus on 1-2 issues at a time to get quality feedback from your customers.

2. Design the Survey

You can use our drag and drop feature to place the right questions for your users. In addition to this, you can also decide how you wish to capture the responses through a range of options like rating scale, emoticons, agreement scale, or simply a text box. A well-designed and attractive survey will surely improve your response rate.

3. Share the Survey

Once your survey is ready; you can share it with your target audience using a link via email, text message, or chat window. Moreover, you can also directly embed it on your website and use it as a sidebar or popup survey. Sharing your survey has never been easier.

4. Analyze the Survey

It all comes down to this million-dollar step- analyzing the feedback. Advanced and intelligent reports help you review your responses and work towards creating happier employees and delightful customers. Making the most of the collected data will take your business a long way.

5. Take Course Corrective Action

Once you have arrived at your survey results, it is time to create strategies to address the feedback given by your customers. Prioritize the negative feedback and get back to each of your customers personally. When you promptly address their concerns, it creates a positive impact and leads to increased customer loyalty in the future.

Applications: Where to Use a Survey Software?

Survey software is helpful to create a survey in different fields. Starting from the education to the health sector, a survey software helps you create engaging surveys to know the heart beat of your customers. 

Different fields of survey applications are as follows:

  1. Customer Support: Customer feedback helps you to understand the real pulse of your audience. With simple customer satisfaction surveys and product satisfaction surveys, you can serve them better and efficiently address their questions. 
  2. Education Sector: As online teaching gathers prominence, a survey to understand your students’ needs through a survey helps you stay ahead. Moreover, surveys allow you to collect user feedback about your online courses. 
  3. Health Sector: Surveys in the health care sector helps you understand your patient’s satisfaction levels. 
  4. Employee Feedback: Regular employee feedback through surveys keeps you updated on your employees’ engagement levels.

Surveys help you start a conversation with your customers or your employees. So what is the wait about? Take the first step towards initiating a meaningful conversation and create your first survey today.

Time to Rise Above Boring Surveys 

When your business is not boring, why should your surveys be?

Survey software has emerged as a vital and cost-effective tool that is being used by both fortune 500 companies and small startups. However, you need to be smart and avoid overdoing things. Sharing multiple surveys will cause more harm than good. 

Nobody likes to dig without a purpose, be it your pooch or a small earthworm. Therefore, while digging for the right answers, make sure you ask the right questions by keeping the end goal in mind. 

ProProfs Survey Maker offers a plethora of features, helping you create amazing surveys that your users just can’t skip. Whether you wish to capture customer satisfaction or gain insights about your website visitors, our tool can get the job done. To understand more about how our survey software can help your business, feel free to take a product tour.

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About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.