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How to Create Online Questionnaire Easily

How to Create Online Questionnaire Easily

You’ve probably heard how a good questionnaire is the backbone of any market and social research. But the success of any questionnaire depends on how effortlessly it blends with the needs of the target audience and their ease of giving appropriate inputs. A sure shot way of ensuring success using these is incorporating the use...
How to Engage Your Customers in the Time of COVID-19

How to Engage Your Customers in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread like wildfire, taking people’s lives, and severely impacting various economies across the globe. From the biggest MNCs to new startups, businesses are getting chills down their spine as the road ahead seems to be full of unprecedented challenges. What about your customers? You need to realize that although people...
What Is the Difference Between CSAT, CES, and NPS? Pros & Cons Explained

What Is the Difference Between CSAT, CES, and NPS? Pros & Cons Explained

Are you just thinking about starting your own business? Or are you already working on growing one? No matter what your perspective is, so far, you’re probably aware of how unpredictable and demanding the modern market may be. Opposite to the old-fashioned concept of commerce, modern ways of doing business (and particularly e-commerce!) go far...
50+ Inspirational Customer Satisfaction Quotes From Experts

50+ Inspirational Customer Satisfaction Quotes From Experts

An interpretation of the “80/20 Rule” given by Italian economist Vilfredo Paret stated that “80% of your company’s sales come from 20% of your customers”. This adage is long being used as an incredible tool for business growth. To increase sales and boost revenue, companies have to make efforts to identify the characteristics of the...
How to Write Event Survey Questions: Guide With Examples & Best Practices

How to Write Event Survey Questions: Guide With Examples & Best Practices

Businesses, big and small, are leveraging the power of holding live events to maximize brand value, drive revenue, and improve customer experience. A 2019 Bizzabo report suggests that events can outperform other marketing strategies, including content marketing, digital advertising, and email campaigns. But how do you determine whether your event was a success or a...
How to Use Surveys for Content Marketing

How to Use Surveys for Content Marketing

If the content is the king, it owes its realm to good customer feedback. With the in-depth knowledge of the user’s perspective, the content marketing strategy gets closer to its goals, and online surveys are great to obtain this knowledge. The more you know about the expectations and necessities of your customers, the more valuable...
Why Customer Satisfaction Survey Is Important For Business Growth

Why Customer Satisfaction Survey Is Important For Business Growth

Can you imagine the mindset of customers who are satisfied with a business? After a negative experience, certain emotions come to the forefront, which can be-Frustration, disappointment, and disrespect.  The impact of these emotional outbursts is immediately seen on a brand’s sales and performance. Let us understand what does the word satisfaction implies for a...
What Is Survey Software? Types & Benefits of a Survey Tool

What Is Survey Software? Types & Benefits of a Survey Tool

No matter if you run a million-dollar business or are an employee, the chances are that you have come across a survey at some point in your life. Be it rating your overall experience of staying at a 5-star hotel in Vegas or simply rating your Uber driver, we have all been there and done...
How to Create a Survey Online in Just 8 Easy Steps: A Detailed Guide

How to Create a Survey Online in Just 8 Easy Steps: A Detailed Guide

“A prudent question is one half of wisdom.” – Francis Bacon Indeed, if you don’t ask questions, all your strategies are just arrows in the dark, and surveys are one of the best ways to collect information you wouldn’t know otherwise. They help you answer important, specific questions that can help you understand what your...