Survey & Questionnaires Blogs

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What Are Product Survey Questions? [Guide + Examples]

What Are Product Survey Questions? [Guide + Examples]

Product survey questions are your best bet to really get inside your target users’ heads, helping you craft offerings that hit the mark. As a product manager, using these insights lets you build solutions that truly resonate with your audience and, ultimately, boost your business. You can see a great example of this in this...
Measuring Service Quality- Your Guide to Customer Service Metrics

Measuring Service Quality- Your Guide to Customer Service Metrics

Your brand philosophy might have its roots in creating top-notch products or services. But can you really deliver in the long run if the service quality is ignored?  Poor service quality can cost your business, whether you are a month old startup or a decade old enterprise. “33% of Americans say they’ll consider switching companies...
How to Use Open-Ended Questions: Tips, Advantages & Examples

How to Use Open-Ended Questions: Tips, Advantages & Examples

Imagine you are having a conversation with a friend. To find out how they are, do you hand them a list of yes/no or multiple-choice questions? No. You ask and let them describe their experience in their own words. This is the essence of using open-ended questions in surveys. When you let people answer queries...
How to Write Good Customer Survey Questions

How to Write Good Customer Survey Questions

Are you happy with our product? How likely will you recommend our product to your family or friend? Where can we improve? These customer survey questions are a great way to check your customer’s happiness with your products and services.  Good customer survey questions capture the real emotions of the customers that reflect the perception...
How to Write Crucial Return to Work Survey Questions

How to Write Crucial Return to Work Survey Questions

Let’s begin with a quick COVID-19 Poll. If you answered (1) or (2), you have clearly adapted to the new normal – working from home. However, if your answer was (3) or (4), it is pretty evident that your overall productivity has taken a heavy hit.  This is the case with millions of employees across the globe in the...
What Is a Demographic Survey Question: A Guide with 60+ Examples

What Is a Demographic Survey Question: A Guide with 60+ Examples

Have you ever hesitated to include demographic questions in a survey, unsure whether asking about age, gender, or income is appropriate—even if responses are anonymous? You’re not alone. Many people, including your customers, are cautious about sharing personal details. Yet, demographic questions are vital for gaining a deep understanding of your customer base. These questions...
9 Proven Tips On How To Create An Anonymous Survey

9 Proven Tips On How To Create An Anonymous Survey

Stella is a market researcher at a large corporation and her main priority is providing insightful d ata for the entire company to use. The UX team uses it for their personas, the marketing team uses it for the adwords campaigns, etc….. She’s been collecting customer feedback via surveys for years but feels frustrated that...
How to Embed a Survey on Your Website

How to Embed a Survey on Your Website

Every brand focuses on trying to collect customer feedback through surveys and other similar means. While the customer may love to provide feedback to the brands they are associated with, the sheer number of surveys they encounter leads to survey fatigue, making it a significant problem. Marketing and research teams spend countless hours analyzing data...
16 Advantages & Disadvantages of Questionnaires

16 Advantages & Disadvantages of Questionnaires

In his 1936 classic “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie advised, “Ask questions the other person will enjoy answering.” Embracing this wisdom, businesses can unlock a world of genuine interest and honesty. Customers love asking questions, especially before making a purchase. But can businesses ask questions to clients and customers? Absolutely! Enter...
Customer Touchpoints 101: Identify and Leverage Your Touchpoints Efficiently

Customer Touchpoints 101: Identify and Leverage Your Touchpoints Efficiently

What Is a Customer Touchpoint? A touchpoint is where interaction occurs between the brand and the customer.  Turn the clock back a few decades ago, and these interactions were limited and easy to track. However, the current scenario is not that simple in terms of interactions. Marketing, PR, third-party sites, online reviews, etc. have scaled...