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Improve Employee Experience: 30+ Best Practices

Improve Employee Experience: 30+ Best Practices

As people spend a significant part of their time at the workplace, job satisfaction is an important factor determining employee well-being. However, employees, these days are no longer satisfied with just salary, hikes, or promotions. They look for something more tangible in the form of a positive employee experience. A good employee experience is a...
Employee Satisfaction Surveys: 40+ Questions and Templates

Employee Satisfaction Surveys: 40+ Questions and Templates

Employee satisfaction is more than just a nice-to-have factor in your organization. It’s a crucial element that can make or break your business. According to a study by Gallup, highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability, 17% higher productivity, and 10% better customer ratings than their disengaged counterparts. Source Employee satisfaction surveys help you understand...
Survey Question: 250+Examples, Types & Best Practices

Survey Question: 250+Examples, Types & Best Practices

Ever noticed why some surveys get overwhelming responses with high participation and detailed answers, while others barely receive any attention? Well, the secret to a successful survey lies in crafting the right questions. A successful survey balances straightforward, closed-ended questions with more expansive, open-ended ones. The former allows for quick and easy responses, while the...
Empowering Teams: 10 Best Employee Engagement Software

Empowering Teams: 10 Best Employee Engagement Software

Modern employees today are looking beyond just a 9-to-5 job. They are more passionate about their work than ever and want to find true meaning in what they do.  According to a study, disengaged American employees cost organizations around $450-550 billion each year. So, how do you ensure your employees are engaged at work and...
How to Eliminate Survey Bias to Improve Your Survey Responses

How to Eliminate Survey Bias to Improve Your Survey Responses

As a survey creator, it is natural for you to expect encouraging and reliable responses to your surveys. With an enhanced survey response rate, the chances of collecting accurate data increases. But unfortunately, not all surveys are error free. Many surveys face the problem of survey bias leading to inaccurate and unreliable feedback collection. Survey...
Importance of Employee Satisfaction Survey: Top 9 Reasons Decoded

Importance of Employee Satisfaction Survey: Top 9 Reasons Decoded

“It is true that work gives life its true meaning and makes it worthwhile. But when you are not appreciated by your leaders, are asked to work overtime, and the only thing you look forward to is the weekend – you might wonder if it’s really worth it?” For employers, understanding how satisfied and engaged...
Best Zoho Survey Alternatives & Competitors

Best Zoho Survey Alternatives & Competitors

Zoho Survey is a popular survey creation tool that helps you create a reliable and actionable survey in minutes. It has all the features required to create a basic survey. You can choose from interesting templates like customer satisfaction surveys, employee engagement surveys, healthcare surveys, education surveys, non-profit organization surveys, and much more. Any user...
How to Ask Sensitive Questions in Surveys

How to Ask Sensitive Questions in Surveys

A survey is an effective medium to collect feedback from your target audience. Sensitive questions on age, income, race, and religion form an unavoidable part of demographic surveys, market research surveys, health surveys, and so on. Usually, people are reluctant to share personal information via offline surveys. But, online surveys can be made more discreet...
Lead Generation Survey Best Practices

Lead Generation Survey Best Practices

zLead generation is necessary for the survival and growth of any organization. Not just that, it is important to convert and nurture each of your leads to make them your lifelong customers. But, lead generation is not as easy as pie. Both the quality and quantity of leads matter a lot. “According to Hubspot research, ...
11 SoGoSurvey Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

11 SoGoSurvey Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

SoGoSurvey is one of the popular and reliable online survey tools used by individuals and businesses alike. With the SogoSurvey cloud based platform, you can easily create multilingual surveys, polls, forms, quizzes, and other types of assessments. This amazing platform gives the option to choose from versatile survey templates to create an employee engagement survey,...