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Qualitative Research Methods: Types, Examples, and Analysis

Qualitative Research Methods: Types, Examples, and Analysis

In a universe swarming with data, numbers, and algorithms, lies a lesser-known realm where emotions, stories, and intimate revelations take center stage. When you want to get inside your customers’ heads to understand their thoughts, feelings, perceptions, beliefs, and emotions, numbers are unlikely to provide a complete picture. Let’s set the scene: picture a cozy...
How to Calculate NPS (Net Promoter Score)

How to Calculate NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Do all your customers give you a five-star rating on online review forums? Yes..No..or Maybe. Customers these days expect more than just routine delivery of products and services. They value round-the-clock customer support, expect the product features to be top-notch, and cherish organizations that value their feedback. Despite your best efforts, you may find that...
A Comprehensive Guide to Quantitative Research: Types, Characteristics, Methods & Examples

A Comprehensive Guide to Quantitative Research: Types, Characteristics, Methods & Examples

Step into the fascinating world of quantitative research, where numbers reveal extraordinary insights! By gathering and studying data in a systematic way, quantitative research empowers us to understand our ever-changing world better. It helps understand a problem or an already-formed hypothesis by generating numerical data. The results don’t end here, as you can process these...
What is a Web Survey: Definition, Types & Characteristics

What is a Web Survey: Definition, Types & Characteristics

Who can tell you what your customers want in the best manner possible? The answer is – Your customers! But how do you understand the needs, pain points, and requirements your customers have without undertaking time-consuming surveys, one-on-one interviews, and full-scale market research? All you need are free web surveys – an excellent tool to...
How to Find Survey Participants & Respondents

How to Find Survey Participants & Respondents

There are over 7.8 billion people on this blue planet, and still finding your ideal survey respondents can be a huge challenge.  The people who take your survey are really important. In most cases, the right survey participants can bring the difference between a successful survey and a not-so-successful one. Now, modern entrepreneurs love to...
What Is a Good Net Promoter Score?

What Is a Good Net Promoter Score?

Want to ensure a good Net Promoter Score for your business? Start by understanding the importance of personal recommendations in the decision-making process. Just as we turn to our friends and family for guidance when making life-changing decisions, customers rely on recommendations from others to decide whether to opt-in or opt-out of a brand. These...
50+ NPS Survey Questions Examples for Every Scenario

50+ NPS Survey Questions Examples for Every Scenario

Do you want to know what NPS survey questions you can ask your customers to measure their loyalty? Clearly, NPS is an excellent tool to gather data about customer experience with your brand and measure customer satisfaction. An NPS survey will provide insight into how likely your customers will recommend your brand to others.  An...
Conducting Gap Analysis: Steps, Tools and Examples

Conducting Gap Analysis: Steps, Tools and Examples

While traveling on a train, you must have heard an automated voice saying, “Please Mind the Gap.” It tells you to be careful when the doors are about to close. Similarly, even in the business world, “gaps” or improvement areas are not safe and must be identified and resolved with the help of gap analysis....
Margin of Error: An Ultimate Guide

Margin of Error: An Ultimate Guide

“What is margin of error?” You must have spotted the plus and a minus sign together with a digit, like this ±1. This value of the plus-minus sign and a number is nothing but the margin of error of the survey results. The margin of error shows the error in the calculation of survey results....
Market Segmentation: Types and Benefits

Market Segmentation: Types and Benefits

Today, customers have diverse needs and one solution for all isn’t going to work. The identification of what customers want is important and based on different factors, marketers need to divide people into market segments. That’s exactly what market segmentation is all about! With the help of certain shared factors, a wide population can be...